
Famous for its being invaded starting WW2 Poland today has joined the EU and is fast developing as a year-round destination. I’ve had a blast each time I’ve been – highly recommend it.

When: Summer 2002 and Summer 2005

Where: 2002: Warsaw, 2005 Kracow

Who:2002 with a great friend whose parents were living there, 2005 with A. as part of our Hong Kong to London trip.

How: 2002: in by plane and out by train (to Vienna), 2005 in and out by train

Weather: surprisingly warm, though not always shorts and T-shirt weather

Food: quite stodgy, but some very good ‘bread and dripping’ that tastes way better than it sounds!

Sights:  Warsaw: the reconstructed town centre, monuments to the ghetto uprising, Krakow: the preserved old town, the salt mines (fascinating), Auschwitz concentration camp (though we decided not visit), city tour of Nova Huta the new town built by the Russians, castle

Surprises:  the fantastic sense of Polish sense of humour, the Poles firm Catholic faith that has not been beaten down by years of communism.

Tips: Take the Nova Huta tour, you meet a local and get to see a bit of communist history.