Finally a master of one?

In the last 4 years my job has included being a teacher of English and Social Studies to grade 8, Art teacher to grades 6, 7 & 8 and coordinator for the Middle School production.  It’s been fun and a massive learning experience but I’ve really felt like a Jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none.  However, as of next year I will be focusing exclusively in my area of passion- ART.  Hooray!! I will be the full-time art teacher to the middle school students and I’m soooooo excited.

I’m looking forward to really getting my teeth into putting together a substantial art program for the kids.  I’m looking forward to expanding my art projects repetoire to include much more 3D art and computer art. (not areas I have focused on much in the past) Luckily I have a great principal who is happy for me to explore and experiment with the kids.

and the kids are for some ‘experimentation’ too!

Later posts will include progress and results of my experiments in the classroom – so watch this space…